The dream match of IYWMB vs. Homer Fink never materialized as a determined Mamalukes team took them out in three games. We started our match against the 'Lukes like a bunch of malfunctioning cylons. Perhaps we were having download problems. Or maybe we were experiencing true emotions and you know what happens when cylons think they are human. They go crazy!!! After a blink, we were already down 0-6, with the Rods giving up 3 points each in the first two sides. Our Team Rod Team Philosophy was passed out in a back alley somewhere.
The Balltrap and Love Touch started the comeback run by putting up a hard-fought point on our side of the chalkboard. Reason to Believe and yours truly, the Young Turk, furthered the rally with a perfect 4 point side, which was set up by a well-placed first roll by RTB. So it was 5-6, we felt we got our crazy rolls out of the way and we could feel victory. Then it all went bananas. These stupid carrollers showed up! Whose brilliant idea was that? Was it a prank? We're in the middle of a bocce tournament for crissakes, Whiffenpoofs! Take your fucking a cappella nonsense somewhere else! I heard they were asking for tips, which I hope was going to a charity, rather than a fund to buy more sheet music.
We had the last ball with the game on the line. All the other reds and greens were clustered together, with the Mamalukes' red ball a hair closer to the pallino. Love Touch wanted to know what the situation was before rolling. If any one of our green balls were closer, it would have effected the game plan. A member of the Mamalukes' cheering section didn't understand this and felt the need to harass LT about it. WTF? Are you even on a team, Missy Bocce Strategy Questioner? And if you were, wouldn't you want to know this yourself? Alas, it was a tough shot and we missed it and the game went with the Lukies.
Game Two was anchored by the solid, steady play of RTB, the eventual RVP, as well as the clutch duo of Senor Gladrags and Captain Hot Legs. It was another tense game, with the Rods pulling out a 7-4 victory. We weren't about to let the Mamalukes score the biggest upset of the tournament.
We pulled out a game three win to take the match despite some shaky rolling. Our opponents were placing their balls perfectly, working the craggy terrain to their benefit. I, on the other hand, had balls making crazy 90 degree left turns. It was back and forth, which both teams gifting points. With the game tied at 5-all, RTB and Gladrags closed it out with a two point side, thank the Rods.
On to the next round, where IYWMB play the fourth seed, The Sweet Meats (nice merch, by the way). It should be a tight match.
RVP: Reason To Believe for giving us a Reason to LIVE!
Special Honorary RVP: "Sweet Touch" Courson for being a good friend and cheerleader.